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Could Snow Blowers Save Antarctica?
climate scientists outlined a plan to save the rapidly diminishing West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS). There is evidence of irreversible damage

Dem Debate: The Climate Discussion Explained
Climate-related topics raised during the Democratic debates last week received 15 minutes of discussion over the course of the two nights...

Some of the Many Ways to Reduce
Our ecological footprint is our impact on the environment, expressed as the amount of land required to sustain our use of natural resources.

Some of the Many Ways to Refuse
Refusing means choosing to say no and not accepting the status quo when it comes to plastic packaging and single-use items...

Why the DNC's Last Chance is a Climate Debate
The DNC’s refusal to back a single-issue debate is unacceptable. New ideas and innovative solutions are sorely needed, yet the DNC is not

7 Ways to Reduce Your Energy Consumption This Summer
Here are some ways to help lower your energy usage and reduce your monthly bills.

Alaska Oil Drilling: Why Not Wind Farms Instead?
Alaska might be known as one of the “chilliest” places in the world (quite literally), but the recent problem with the oil drilling...

Saving Big and Going Green With Solar Panel Phone Chargers
We carry our phones around with us like it’s an extra appendage so it’s not surprising to note that batteries will run out and people...

The Future of Solar Energy: Right Within Our Reach
We’re living in a time where solar energy is more than just a fairy tale but is actually unfolding in front of us at a very good rate....

Has Trump Been Taking Illegal Deals from Big Oil for Years?
For years, the toddler-in-chief has tweeted his dislike for renewable energy sources--namely wind energy. But Trump has been anti-wind...
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