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The Destructive Impact of Billionaires
Shiva argues that Gates is essentially a dictator, there not to help but rather to keep people poor and oppressed. He is actually continuing

Ecologists are Learning from Indigenous People
Indigenous peoples hold a vast amount of knowledge regarding their environment and its ecology. This knowledge can contribute greatly to mod

Agroecology: Farming is Changing
Agroecology is a sustainable farming approach centering on food production that makes the best use of nature’s ecosystems and strives not to

Climate Change Contributing to California Forest Fires (Again)
In California, warm days have gotten warmer by 2.5 degrees since the 1970s. Hotter temperatures mean drier land. A parched atmosphere is con

Climate Score Cards: 2020 Democrat Candidates
Consider voting for the candidate with the highest score on this all-important issue of the climate crisis.

Mass Forestation: Great Green Walls in China and Africa
In China and Africa, massive tree planting initiatives are in place to slow down the rate of desertification--and are largely showing early

4 Ways to Save the Bees
Worldwide, bees are disappearing at an alarming rate. While the reasons vary depending on the region, the principal causes include deforesta

Bad News for Loggerhead Turtles
Turtles are among the most threatened animals on earth, with over 300 currently endangered species. Unless things change soon, all seven spe

Climate Activists You Should Know
People of color from front-line communities have put forth great effort to grow the climate movement. Here are just a few of many inspiring

“The Greta Effect”: Inspiring Climate Activism
Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old climate activist from Sweden who has made international headlines for holding world leaders accountable...
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