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2024 Update: Earth 2.0 Endorses Kamala Harris!

2024 Update:

🌎 Earth 2.0 endorses Kamala Harris! 🥳

The choice for the planet is clear. Historic investments have already occurred under her administration and are anticipated to continue. Clean jobs are at a record high and the planet's future will be in good hands!

No other viable candidate has accomplished or promised additional significant climate action and investments!

  • "Lower Energy Costs and Tackle the Climate Crisis"

  • "As Attorney General, Kamala Harris won tens of millions in settlements against Big Oil and held polluters accountable."

  • As Vice President, she cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment in climate action in history. This historic work is lowering household energy costs, creating hundreds of thousands of high-quality clean energy jobs, and building a thriving clean energy economy, all while ensuring America’s energy security and independence with record energy production.

  • "As President, she will unite Americans to tackle the climate crisis as she builds on this historic work, advances environmental justice, protects public lands and public health, increases resilience to climate disasters, lowers household energy costs, creates millions of new jobs, and continues to hold polluters accountable to secure clean air and water for all. As the Vice President said at the international climate conference, COP28, she knows that meeting this global challenge will require global cooperation and she is committed to continuing and building upon the United States’ international climate leadership. She and Governor Walz will always fight for the freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis."

  • "Trump asked Big Oil executives to give his campaign money so he could roll back regulations and cut taxes for Big Oil to boost their profits, and Trump’s plans would push gas prices up. Trump’s economic plans would also trigger a recession by mid-2025, cost America over 3 million jobs, threaten hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs, increase the debt by over $5 trillion, send inflation skyrocketing, and hurt everyone but the richest Americans."

Additional endorsements reads:

Original 2020 Post:

Elections are complicated. But what if you boiled it down to the candidates who had the best environmental policies? That narrows the field quite a bit.

In general, Democrats have offered far better environmental protections and plans to phase out of fossil fuel-generated energy and transition to renewable sources. Regulations protect the environment and those who occupy it (humans and nature). With a close relationship to the oil industry, Republicans do not favor regulations, even at the expense of their own health.

So if your goal is to "go green" and get those into office who offer policies to protect the environment, the choice is clear. Vote left for State and Local Elections.

This also applies to the Presidential Election. The reasons for this are as follows:

Climate Policy

Joe: Plans to rejoin the Paris Agreement, reinstate emissions rules, and invest $2 trillion to confront the “grave threat”

Donald: Left Paris Agreement, rolled back Obama-era emissions rules, and doesn’t factor climate change into policy decisions

Winner: Joe

Comprehensive Climate Plan

Joe: Climate plan outlines strategies to achieve 100% clean electricity by 2035 and net-zero emissions by 2050

Donald: Has not announced a plan to tackle climate change

Winner: Joe

Creating market incentives for renewables

Joe: Supports rapid new innovations and using the renewable energy market as a major job creatorUndid Obama-era rules that encouraged the growth of renewable energy

Donald: Undid Obama-era rules that encouraged the growth of renewable energy

Winner: Joe

Renewable Energy--Cars

Joe: Wants strict fuel-efficiency standards in an attempt to make purchases of all new cars and light trucks electric

Donald: Rescinded higher fuel-economy standards for cars and trucks

Winner: Joe

Renewable Energy--Nuclear

Joe: Supports developing small-scale nuclear reactors

Donald: Wants to ramp up nuclear energy and uranium production

Winner: Joe


Joe: Wants to strengthen pollution laws to reduce the disproportionate impact on low-income communities of color

Donald: Weakened and rolled back several regulations aimed at protecting water

Winner: Joe


Joe: Mentions plastic as a threat to safe water in his climate plan. Supports phasing out single-use plastics

Donald: Launched a program that focuses on recycling to reduce plastic waste. Has dismissed single-use plastic bans

Winner: Joe


Joe: Supports goal of conserving 30 percent of America’s land and water by 2030 as a way to slow extinctions

Donald: Many animals lost endangered species protections under Trump Administration

Winner: Joe

Protected Lands

Joe: Promised to restore protections to several areas opened up by the Trump Administration

Donald: Dramatically shrank some national monuments on land and at sea, but added 1.3 million acres of wilderness areas

Winner: Joe


Joe Biden beats Donald Trump in every category above, making the choice clear. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for the Environment.

According to National Geographic, "Biden’s climate plan promises to “protect biodiversity, slow extinction rates, and leverage natural climate solutions,” noting that the Obama Administration protected 550 million acres in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The plan talks about repurposing AmeriCorps for sustainability; in a Democratic presidential debate earlier this year, Biden touted a “civilian climate corps” that could be used to reduce vulnerability to wildfires and floods. Before joining the presidential ticket, his Senate voting record shows he supported expanding and protecting public lands and was willing to appropriate funds to do so."

"[Biden] Would seek to increase reforestation projects on federal lands and establish national parks and national monuments “that reflect America’s natural heritage.” He would aim to slow extinction rates by conserving 30 percent of America’s land and water by 2030. His climate plan proposes to permanently protect ANWR and says he would ban new oil and gas permits on public land and water. In a policy document outlining his commitment to Native American tribes, Biden says he will undo Trump’s rollback on Bears Ears. The Democratic Party platform promises to reinstate protections for the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument."

Donald has received endorsements from the following activist organizations:

  • 60 Plus Association

  • America First Action

  • American Crossroads

  • American Energy Alliance[

  • Americans for Limited Government

  • Arizona Police Association

  • Associated Builders and Contractors

  • Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

  • Brigade 2506 Veteran's Association

  • California Republican Assembly


  • Church Militant

  • Citizens United

  • Club for Growth

  • College Republican National Committee

  • Committee to Defend the President

  • The Conservative Caucus

  • Crow Tribe of Montana

  • Deplorable Pride

  • Eagle Forum

  • Empower Texans

  • Faith and Freedom Coalition

  • Focus on the Family

  • FreedomWorks

  • Gays for Trump

  • Great America Committee

  • Great America PAC

  • Harvard Republican Club

  • Huck PAC

  • Illinois Family Association

  • Jexodus

  • Log Cabin Republicans

  • Michigan Farm Bureau

  • Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life

  • National Diversity Coalition for Trump

  • National Federation of Republican Assemblies

  • National Federation of Republican Women

  • National Republican Congressional Committee

  • National Rifle Association

  • National Right to Life Committee

  • New York Young Republican Club

  • Ohio Right to Life

  • Operation Rescue

  • Pasadena Republican Club

  • Priests for Life

  • Proud Boys (endorsement rejected by Trump)

  • Republican Hindu Coalition

  • Republican Jewish Coalition

  • Republican National Hispanic Assembly

  • Republican National Lawyers Association

  • Republicans Overseas

  • Republican State Leadership Committee

  • Students for Trump

  • Susan B. Anthony List

  • Tea Party Express

  • Tea Party Patriots

  • Texas Alliance for Life

  • Texas Patriots PAC

  • Turning Point Action

  • Women for Trump

  • Young Republicans

Joe Biden has received environmental or activist endorsements from:

  • 350 Action

  • Bend the Arc

  • Brady Campaign

  • CASA de Maryland

  • Center for Biological Diversity

  • Center for Popular Democracy

  • Chesapeake Climate Action Network

  • Clean Water Action

  • Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles

  • Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

  • Color of Change

  • Council for a Livable World

  • Democratic Majority for Israel PAC

  • End Citizens United

  • Environment America

  • Equality California

  • Equality Florida

  • EqualityMaine

  • Everytown for Gun Safety

  • Friends of the Earth

  • Garden State Equality

  • Giffords

  • Harvey Milk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Democratic Club

  • High School Democrats of America

  • Houston GLBT Political Caucus

  • Human Rights Campaign

  • Humane Society of the United States

  • Indivisible

  • Jewish Democratic Council of America

  • J Street

  • League of Conservation Voters

  • Let America Vote

  • MoveOn

  • NARAL Pro-Choice America

  • National Association of Social Workers

  • National Center for Transgender Equality

  • National Iranian American Council

  • National LGBT Chamber of Commerce

  • National Organization for Women

  • National Wildlife Federation

  • Natural Resources Defense Council

  • The People's Alliance

  • People for the American Way

  • Planned Parenthood

  • Population Connection

  • Protect Our Winters

  • Republican Voters against Trump

  • The BlueGreen Alliance

  • The RINJ Foundation

  • Scientific American

  • Sierra Club

  • Southern Alliance for Clean Energy

  • Stonewall Democrats

  • Sunrise Movement

  • UnidosUS

  • U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce

  • Voto Latino

  • VoteVets

And now...

  • Earth 2.0

The lists of endorsements are not comprehensive and may be outdated by this article's posting.



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